And here it is, almost 8, and I cannot remember what it was!! You may be wondering why I didn't just write it then. Well...ahem...I was somewhat distracted trying to figure out why a program on my computer wasn't working. I decided to run a scan on my computer and it was still running when I left to go ride Snip and I haven't tried the program again.

The day started out with me rushing down to feed Snip; directly after I stuffed my sheets into the washing machine. I think that she can probably handle it from here on out. Anyway, as soon as I got back, I did Grandpa's therapy. Katherine did a great job of keeping him loose while I was 'cripple' (that's what he has called me).

I went to go hang the laundry on the line and I looked up to see a white pick-up truck with a round hay bale in the back slowing down. "Oh," thinks I, "That must be Mr. A." So I trotted to the front yard and opened the gate into the pasture for him. Daddy came out with the check and helped Mr. A unload the hay. I helped flip the roll over :) Our hay man kind of laughed and said, "I ought to take her with me on my rounds." I was just standing there so I figured I might as well be helpful.

Then I rushed off again to hang up my sheets, put on another load of laundry, and practice my guitar. By this time Mama was cooking Granddaddy's lunch. She asked me to take it over so I did. Granddaddy was ready to eat when I arrived, in fact, he already had the TV off. He is eating better and ate all of his food except for around two bites of meat and two of cole slaw. When he's done, he's matter what there is left on his plate :)

Snip handled pretty well today. I didn't have to fight him too much and he wasn't as lazy as he was yesterday, even though it was hotter. I tried to do what someone told me too...but it didn't work exactly like it was supposed to. Galloping him in a big circle and then closing it up until he is spinning in one spot isn't a one-day event. (I need to find out why spinning is so important. Actually, I know...I think, but I want to remind myself :) ) I found myself at one point panting harder than he was! I thought that rather strange since he was the one doing all the running and all I was doing was sitting on him hanging on! (Really though, horse riding uses a mirad of muscles from your toes and fingers to your neck and core.) Thankfully though, my feet didn't cramp up like they did yesteraday. If my arch supports slip so that they hit me in the wrong spot they can really make my feet hurt.

Blah, blah, blah...what else would you like to know? (I really ought not do this at night, I ramble about the most absurd things sometimes.) Hey! What's that? Is Katherine practicing her fife?? 


I went over to feed Snip this morning. I've been feeding Snip in the mornings lately (except for Sunday...and Monday. I totally forgot), because the person he stays with had eyelid surgery recently. Anyway, after running my mouth at 90 miles an hour for a while, I rushed off to the car to come home. I got in and turned the key. Nothing. All I got was a quiet hum. I tried a few more times to crank the engine. Still nothing. So I grabbed my phone and called Daddy. "Daddy, the car won't start." "Okay, I'll be there in a minute."

Once he arrived he had me pop the hood for him and turn the key. After looking at the engine for a minute or two, he got in the car and the next thing I knew, it was running! This is the embarrassing part (although I don't know if it should be since I really had no idea about this). The car was in reverse. I guess I didn't get the car all the way into park when I got there. Now I know...the next time a car doesn't start, I should look at the gears before I call Daddy. I learn best by experience.
